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Project funding

The aim of the One Health Platform is to promote inter- and transdisciplinary scientific exchange in the One Health field, to link national and international initiatives, to provide impetus and to create space for identifying research gaps and needs. In addition, a dialog between science and practice is to be promoted. To achieve these goals, two types of research projects are funded under the umbrella of the One Health Platform: 1) pilot projects and 2) inter- and/or transdisciplinary networking projects.

Applications are submitted centrally following a call for proposals. Project funding is based on the research agenda of the One Health Platform.

Research Agenda

1. Pilot projects

Pilot projects are definable individual projects with a high degree of originality and scientific risk character. They are trend-setting for new topics in One Health research. Pilot projects are based on an innovative hypothesis that is to be tested before, based on the results of the pilot project, further funding can be acquired outside the OHP. They are therefore intended to provide start-up funding for the applicant's subsequent research projects. For this reason, pilot projects are not a continuation of research projects that have already begun.

Pilot projects benefit from networking within the OHP and the exchange between specialist areas and institutions. The new method or groundbreaking findings for One Health research resulting from the project are the added value for One Health research that arises from pilot projects.

Please note: The next call for pilot projects is expected to be published in the first quarter of 2025.

Further information:

Application Form Pilot Projects
Procedure for awarding Pilot Projects

2. Inter- and/or transdisciplinary networking projects

Interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary networking projects are collaborations with at least two scientific partners at different locations and from different disciplines and/or sectors with a defined financial framework. They are intended to establish structures or sustainable networks etc. that can be used by more than just the applicant research locations by the end of the funding phase at the latest. Networking projects are characterized by an interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary approach involving various institutes, disciplines and/or representatives of the responsible authorities or practice partners.

Please note: The submission of project proposals for interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary networking projects is still possible until 13.08.2024.

Further information:

Application form Networking Projects
Procedure for awarding networking projects