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Event funding

The One Health Platform supports scientific events that serve to initiate new collaborations and projects in the field of One Health research. Funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Funding is provided for scientific events that have a high networking character of relevant specialist disciplines (see research agenda) as well as a cross-institutional character (university and non-university research institutions, authorities). The events should be open to the public and accessible to the wider One Health community. An international orientation is desirable, but not mandatory.

A condition for funding by the OHP is the inter- and/or transdisciplinary orientation of the event. The inter- and/or transdisciplinary approach must be evident from the program and the target group. Possible topics are: Internationalization, A.I. and harmonization of data sets.

Funding can be requested for the rental of the conference room including technical equipment, catering, the announcement of the workshop, the preparation of an abstract volume, an appropriate evening event (the Scientific Advisory Board will decide on the appropriateness) and for the travel expenses of the speakers (fees will not be covered).

Please note: Applications can be submitted at any time.

Further information:

Info Event Funding