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Young One Health Forum 2025

Young One Health Forum 2025


The Young One Health Forum is the central event for young researchers of the One Health Platform. It serves to promote networking and scientific exchange within the young One Health research community. The YOHF takes place annually at different locations in Germany. In 2025 it takes place in the beautiful city of Heidelberg. The program includes high-ranking keynotes, diverse poster sessions, career talks, current topics of One Health research and much more. Participation is open to young scientists* who are members of the One Health Platform. The meeting language is english. There is no participation fee. All participants are requested to present a poster of their research work at the event. The topic of the poster must be outlined in advance in a submitted abstract (abstract template).  Registration deadline is March 23rd, 2025. If you have any questions please contact Dr. Dana Thal (dana.thal@fli.de).

* Young scientists are defined as persons working in science who are in the Master's degree program, the doctoral phase or the early postdoctoral phase (up to five years after the doctorate) in a One Health relevant research area.

Date: 19. -20.05.2025

Place: Mathematikon, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg

Program: preliminary program 12.02.25

Registration: To register please fill out the form below and send an abstract of you work, that you want to present as a poster at the meeting to dana.thal@fli.de (Subject: Abstract YOHF 2025). Please use the abstract template. You will receive a registration confirmation after the registration deadline.

Ich bin Mitglied der One Health Platform
Ich bin Nachwuchswissenschaftler*In im Sinne der One Health Platform

(Als Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen werden alle Masterstudierende, sowie Personen, die sich in einem aktiven Promotionsverfahren befinden oder die ihre Promotion noch nicht länger als vier Jahre zurückliegend abgeschlossen haben (diese Zeit verlängert sich durch Eltern- und Betreuungszeit entsprechend) definiert.)

(Wir versuchen unsere Veranstaltungen so inklusiv und barrierefrei wie möglich zu gestalten, bitte teilen Sie uns mit, worauf wir dabei besonders achten sollen. Bitte beachten Sie: Leider wird nicht alles immer möglich sein)