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Young Scientist Representation

In order to give young scientists a voice in the scientific steering committee of the One Health Platform, the Scientific Advisory Board, two places are reserved exclusively for young scientists. The junior representatives are elected annually together with the other SAB members and have the same voting rights as the other elected members.

The SAB has the following tasks:

External representation of the OHP.

·       Managing day-to-day business together with the office

·       Overarching management and control tasks

·       Science- and strategic-related decisions

·       Assessment of project applications

The junior researcher representatives also have the task of representing and safeguarding the interests of junior researchers in the One Health Platform. In addition, they organize and promote the work of junior researchers together with the administrative office. In addition to the administrative office, they act as contact persons for early career researchers.

All doctoral candidates and postdocs (< 4 years after their doctorate, parental and care time are creditable) can run for seats on the Scientific Advisory Board.


Current representation of young researchers:


Dr. Magdalena Meyer

University of Ulm

Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics


Leif Rauhöft

Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine

Department of Arbovirology and Entomology